It's Hard to Stay Awake When You're Dead

Bones is laid back, easy going and has no trouble making friends. In fact, he is so laid back; Bones has a hard time staying awake. Even when Bones isn’t nodding off he gets bored so easily that mischief and Bones will often find one another.

Normal State

Bones is laid back, easy going and has no trouble making friends. In fact, he is so laid back; Bones has a hard time staying awake. Even when Bones isn’t nodding off he gets bored so easily that mischief and Bones will often find one another.

Nightmare State

Bones is especially adept at keeping zombies and other undead in their graves. With a hypnotic stare that freezes any monster, Bones spits corpse-eating worms that attack and devour the stunned prey.

Bones HATES small spaces because they make him feel boxed in . . . like he was buried alive!
— Rose